You shouldn't think in terms of "website cost" but in terms of company objectives: how many customers can a specific marketing strategy bring me? The website is just a means: creating a website without a strategy, whatever the cost, is money wasted. be able to transform readers into potential customers, unlike the old traditional sites. But it is not enough on its own.
Must implement strategies and software capable of cultivating, nourishing and retaining this new user base. Then the game is done. The investment paid off. A greater initial outlay will have corresponded to a real, effective, concrete Job Function Email List increase in customers. And with the right digital tools, the increase in the number of customers will transform into a virtuous circle, destined to yield more and more over time. The website is not a business card.
The advent of the Internet and digital technologies has brought about a decisive change in the way of doing business in recent years. Web presence has become an essential requirement for every company. Today there is no small business in Italy that does not have its own official website. Yet, the website traditionally understood has proven to be ineffective in generating new customers coming from the web.