I know that eventually many will want to know more about such topics. And therefore, it s my job to write about not only what my readers want, but also what my readers need. And that starts with understanding who my readers are. So, make sure you know your readers. Create an audience persona. There are plenty of guides online about creating this audience persona, but only you know what that looks like. For example, some people will say that you have to have your readers gender and age figured out to create an audience persona. Honestly.
I personally don t give a crap about that when it comes to . Anyone at any age can start a photo editing servies blog, and my goal—my blog s goal—is to help those beginner bloggers and content creators make a sizable side income online. That s all I care about. My readers want to start a blog, they re ready to put in the work, they have a few hours every week to do said work, and they re eager and thirsty for knowledge.
That right there is my audience persona. But maybe you do need to have a gender in mind when you write or even an age bracket. It all depends on you, your blog niche, and who you wish to serve your content to. Understand that, and the rest as in individual blog post topics will come to you. Research before writing It s always best to do some research before you start writing your blog post; even when you think you know a lot about a certain topic.