How Often Should You Apply It? Email marketing, times and effectiveness Email marketing changes very frequently in its forms and handling, and we can truly say that it is one of the most complex digital marketing strategies that exist, to the point where some have given up using it, claiming that it is nothing more. than spam, and that users no longer even open the emails. However, a well-planned and well-planned email marketing strategy can mean a big change for any company.
Some of the big questions are: how often should I send promotions or newsletters to my subscribers? When does the email marketing strategy become too invasive and start to fail? One of the great arts of this strategy is knowing exactly how often you should Digital Marketing Service email people so they don't start considering you spam. The strategy to know how much email marketing is necessary Choosing the frequency to do email marketing can be a big challenge. The objectives of strategies of this type are usually the same: obtain a response, conversions, clicks on the blog or on our website. But sending too many emails from our company can have the opposite effect: from users who unsubscribe.
To those who send them directly to the trash because they no longer consider them relevant and have lost touch. Addressing the consumer daily, or more than once a day, can be very counterproductive, since the last thing you want is to be classified as spam. What you should do is create strategies not based on a defined time, but on what emerges that is really important. Forget about an exact timeline, focus instead on making relevant, high-quality campaigns, even if they don't follow a pattern. Some companies, according to data from Smart Insights, have email marketing campaigns